
For this project I wanted to create something that the viewer might want to touch. Even if they are viewing the images on a computer screen where there's no texture to feel, they might have an itching sensation in the back of their mind to reach out and just see if they could...
The photos in this project feature textures that I couldn't resist: a papery curtain; a sleek, clean mirror on top of rough brick; swaying, sunlit reeds over cool blue water; cattail fluff gathered in nature's corners; gritty sand scattered over uneven cement; rushing water cutting through the pock-marked landscape.
The barriers I faced when composing this project were few, but strong nonetheless. The landscape and muses were limitless, but I would cripple myself with excuses like "I'm too tired" or "the lighting isn't right." It was also challenging for me to take pictures with other people around. I felt a bit silly pointing my camera at a slab of cement while hikers went by. I didn't know if most of these shots would even be worth keeping. It wasn't until the editing process that I actually started to get excited about the different images I had captured!